The Bulwark

News and Events from Blythe's Bulwark, Chico, CA

Welcome Blue Rose D20!

January 26, 2010 By: Blythe Category: Store News, Tabletop Roleplaying

The Bulwark is proud to welcome the ladies of Blue Rose D20!  These duchesses of dice are a recent addition to the gaming community here in Chico. Bethany Flicker will be conducting players through the fantastic world of Aldea every other Sunday. Blue Rose is a TrueD20 setting of Romantic Fantasy, eschewing the perception of Robert E. Howard and Tolkein based Sword and Sorcery for a more idyllic setting based on the premises of Mercedes Lackey.  If you have any questions about Blue Rose, the world of Aldea, or the True D20 system feel free to email

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Demo

January 07, 2010 By: Blythe Category: CCGs

James Proffer will be hosting a Vampire: The Eternal Struggle demo this Sunday at 3:00.  If you are interested in picking up a new TCG that has some great party play mechanics and several play styles this is great game to try. James has volunteered to bring his stack of cards and teach people how to play, so if you are interested all you have to do is bring yourself, and a smile!  If you want some more information about V:TES check out the wikipedia entry which has a fantastic breakdown of the game.

Warhammer 40K – 500 Pts

January 05, 2010 By: Blythe Category: Wargaming, Warhammer 40K

This man will not be at the game session, but a much much much smaller facsimile will be.This Sunday the Bulwark will be opening it’s doors at 3:00 PM for 500 points of Warhammer 40K. If you are working on an army this is a great time to try new tactics, learn the rules, or just come in to paint and socialize. Last week we had a very competitve game of Kill Team and it was a great chance for people to learn the basics of how infantry move, shoot, and to meet the people they would be moving against and shooting at.  Also, if you are interested in Warhammer 40K come in an check out this great game, with a great group of people!